C6 MaxDin Looping DVR HD Dash Camera (USB)
Regular price
$ 59.00
Sale price
$ 79.00
Unit price per
This DVR is programmed and built to be compatible with the C6 Corvette MaxDin system, specifically. This specific compatibility eliminates any video chopping or lack of compatibility. This allows MaxDin users a 3rd camera, in total. Looping features can be saved via an onboard mounted SD card (not included). The view is selectable in an on-screen application, on the MaxDin.
This unit allows you to have evidence of speed, red lights, any vehicle collisions, etc, and can be critical to saving yourself from insurance fraud incidents, disputes over traffic violations or just capturing randomness on the highways.
This unit allows you to have evidence of speed, red lights, any vehicle collisions, etc, and can be critical to saving yourself from insurance fraud incidents, disputes over traffic violations or just capturing randomness on the highways.